Friday 30 September 2011

'Cousin Kate' by Christina Rossetti-Setting and a Tiny Bit About Destination

The setting is shown in many lines in the poem 'Cousin Kate'. For example the first line including "cottage maiden" suggests the countryside. As does the mention of "working  among the rye" and the word "lane". These are all things I would associate with rural areas as apposed to urban areas. "Cottage maiden" also is symbollic of vulnerability and low social status ans wealth. So this helps with the understanding of the poem. Also when the speaker mentions the "lord" I imagine a lord of the manor, with a big estate in the country. His land is also refered to later on. The fact that the poem is set in the country could also show why the speakers actions with the lord are considered so scandalous. The society in the country could be a lot more sheltered than that of the city. Plus the atmosphere is set with "hardened by sun and air"-it creates a very romantic feeling of the countryside, however what happens in the poem between the lord and the speaker isn't the least bit romantic.

The setting used in the poem may not be real, but may just be symbolic for creating atmosphere. Also for foreshadowing the destination of the poem in terms of the innocent maiden being taken advantage of by the powerful lord. However the destination of the poem is not as expected. The fallen woman metaphorically gets back on her feet at the end and prevails over the other characters. She doesn't wallow in self pity, she embraces her new life with her son and seems in control. This is not what I expected when I read the beginning or middle of the poem. So the twist at the end makes the destination unpredictable which, I think, adds to the poem as a whole.

Ooh look, I didn't write a lot!!!!

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