Monday 21 November 2011

How Does Austen Create Her Characters In Chapter 11?

Austen creates her characters using many different methods in chapter 11. She focuses on the characterisation of Miss Bingley, Elizabeth and Mr Darcy.

One effective way in which we learn about the characters is through the narrator and the opinion they present us with. These opinions are often combined with the opinions of other characters, such as Elizabeth. For example at the beginning of the chapter we are told by the narrator what Elizabeth thinks of Bingley's sisters, so this influences our opinion of them. We are told that "their powers of conversation were considerable. They could describe an entertainment with accuracy and relate an anecdote with humour, and laugh at their aqquaintance with sprit" and that "Miss Bingley's eyes were instantly turned towards Darcy". This tells us that as soon as Darcy is around, Miss Bingley has eyes for no-one else, her motives are therefore clear; to entertain and more importantly attract Darcy.  So we know from the start of the chapter that Caroline Bingley's main focus is Darcy. We even see that she has planned her actions in advance, in order to secure him as "she had obtained private intelligence" that Darcy doesn't like cards, she is making sure she knows what will please him beforehand. So the narrator is important in creating characters.

The character of Miss Bingley is created further throughout the chapter, and the way Austen writes it, she seems to be making a mockery of Miss Bingley in order to describe her determination to secure Darcy. For example we are told how Miss Bingley mimics Darcy's behaviour to try and draw his attention, "Darcy took up a book;Miss Bingley did the same". Austen seems to mock her as she keeps asking Darcy what his book is about, yet the book she is supposedly reading is the second volume of his. So it displays her desperation to attract Darcy and portrays her actions to be quite silly. Another example of this is contrast and therefore hypocrisy shown between her speech and her actions. For example we are told she was "quite exhausted" by her book and she then searches the room "in quest of some amusement", however directly after this she says "there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book!"-What she does contrasts with what she says, which agains illustrates that everything she says is simply aimed at Darcy and impressing him by pretending to share his interests. So this has been done purposely by Austen to shows Miss Bingley's relentlessness in pursuing Darcy.

Contrasts between characters are used in chapter 11 to create/display their nature. For example at the beginning of the chapter a comparison is made between Mr Hurst, Darcy and Bingley. Darcy and Mr Hurst are a lot more formal in their adressing of the women, for example "polite congratulations" are given and Mr Hurst even gives a "slight bow". Whereas Bingley is described as being "full of joy and attention"-his greeting is a lot less formal and seems more genuine. So this highlights the difference between the men.
There is also a contrast shown between Elizabeth and Miss Bingley. We see how they are totally different in their attitude towards things. For example Elizabeth is willing to tease Darcy whereas Miss B "was incapable of disappointing him".

Through the conversation that Darcy and Elizabeth have we see how they are comfortable and flirtatious with each other. We see how just like Miss B can't keep her attention off Darcy, he can't help but look at Elizabeth. For example this has already been shown when Elizabeth joins Miss Bingley for "a turn around the room". He completely ignores Miss B and remains "inflexibly studious". Whereas when Elizabeth stands he immediately look up and "unconsciously closed his book". So we see his feelings for Elizabeth starting to show. Following this he and Elizabeth have a playful conversation in which Elizabeth tricks Darcy about vanity and pride. They mimic each other's language and talk with ease "And your defect" "And yours repeated with a smile". There is also no attribution of speech and this shows the intimacy and flirtation of their conversation. This shows their natural chemistry. This is obviously observed by Miss B who we are told is "tired of a conversation in which she had no share". This provides Darcy time to check himself and "He began to feel the danger of paying Elizabeth too much attention"-This reiterates that he is aware of the risks and of Elizabeths social status in comparision with his.

Overall character is created very skillfully by Austen throughout chapter 11, some particuarly strong/effective methods in my opinion are the way speech is used and the way she mocks Miss Bingley and her actions.

(I planned for 10 mins and then wrote it up on paper for about 35 mins. I wrote 2 sides using my notes and what we worked on in the lesson)

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