Sunday 5 August 2012

Frankenstein (Blog 3)


Check me out, only two weeks in, yeah boiiiii!!

Anyways I have finished Frankenstein all in one day! My my I am sad. Oh well. I really enjoyed it actually, like I mentioned before I like to have extra detail and the text obviously provided that as I had only ever seen film adaptations before. I liked the part where Frankenstein came to Britain with Henry and the monster kills him in Ireland. (where the reception is very unwelcoming =P). I didn't even realise that Henry was one of the victims of the Monster. I also liked the narrative frame of the sailor being told this story by Frankenstein. It's almost like 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner', but without the whole being crap part =D. And with a monster.

So overall I enjoyed Frankenstein because it's retro but easy to read and is all together a good story. Except for the whole 'I'm your cousin/sister/lover thing'. Not a fan of that. Frankenstein is just a classic Gothic story and I think it's definitely the text which I can see stand-out elements of the Gothic in, compared to Faustus and the Bloody Chamber.
All in all Frankenstein is most enjoyable, Bloody Chamber the most interesting and outright weird and finally Faustus is the most.....ok. =D

Over and out.

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