Friday 27 July 2012

Doctor Faustus (Blog 1)

Helloooo. So I started reading Doctor Faustus this morning and was genuinely happy to discover that the book which I have contains Doctor Faustus "and other plays". Yusssss. Less reading to do then!
So I've just finished reading act one and am already confused. The language is just so SO waffly and reminiscent of bloody Shakespeare, who is not my favourite guy in the whole world. But oh well.

So far Faustus seems to have decided that he's going to follow magic and dismiss religion, even though some angel appeared and tried to get him to repent etc. He then meets his two accomplices if you like, who help teach him magic. I think. =P.
Then this devil appears to him, who has a very long and funky name, Mephistopheles. What a guy. Faustus asks him to be his servant and he says he'll have to check with good old Lucifer first.
Then there's a random scene I really don't understand where Wagner (Faustus' mate) and this clown called Robin are talking and Wagner is trying to give Robin money to work for him. Confused. Two devils, a man and women then quickly appear and disappear which seems to scare the clown into agreeing to serve Wagner. "I'll serve him, that's flat."

Also there are two texts of Faustus in this book and I don't understand which one we are studying or if we are doing both. Anyhoo I have read act one of Dr Faustus A-text.
Onward with the reading! Only 4 more acts/33 pages to go!!

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