Monday 30 July 2012

Doctor Faustus (Blog 4)

Right so I have just finished reading the B-Text version of Faustus, which is pretty much the same just with added scenes and dialogue and a few slight changes which don't impact on the main plot at all.
I said in my previous blog that I might make a "cheeky comparison" between the two texts but I can't think of anything of real merit to compare so that's not going to happen. =D

To my great surprise I actually preferred this version, despite it's longer length, as I felt I understood what was going on more. This may have been due to the extra scenes providing more information, or I may have just been paying more attention this time! I particularly benefited from the extra scene with the Pope and the Emperor as I feel in sort of understand what they're doing there now.  =P. I also realised there were notes in the back of the book, which correspond to certain lines etc. Although they weren't of great help, they were useful when facing "Bloody Shakespeare" type language barriers! =D Hahaaa.

So yeah that's Faustus.

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