Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Bloody Chamber (Blog 2)

I'm Back! Two blogs in the same day. How thrilling. =D.

I have just read two more short stories that succeed 'The Bloody Chamber' in the copy I have. They are 'The Courtship of Mr Lyon' and 'The Tiger's Bride'. This leads me to page 75 in a 150 page book so I am slap-bang in the middle, so to blog at any other time would be insane.

Both of these two stories are based on the story of Beauty and the Beast but with a bit more of a sexual presence, haha. I personally think these two are more sad and you feel sorry for the Beast in both, as apposed to the whole men are bad, women good approach of feminism. So of all the ones we studied in class, I'm not sure which would apply here. Maybe Marxist feminism for The Tiger's Bride as the father bets his daughter in a card game as if she is an object or possession to be traded. In The Courtship of Mr Lyon the woman isn't actually what I would call the heroine or good character as she seems to become vain etc and ignore the promise she made to visit the Beast again.
I'm getting quite into these stories now and might even make it three blogs in one day if I finish soon! =D

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